The realm of best-in-class services.

Mobile Home Parks

Broadband Enterprise offers turnkey install, maintenance and support of Mobile Home Park networks and residents. Mobile Home Parks with over 120 units are most cost effective with 1 GIG/1 GIG services. We use existing coax to provide a smaller group of residents a burst of up to 1 GIG. If a MHP has 400 or so units, 10 GIG is affordable, so each subscriber gets better bandwidth without the burden of cost.

Since this technology runs through coaxial cable in most cases – minimum wiring is required, which means it keeps the overall cost low and does not rely on open-air WiFi. The coax cable infrastructure has to be slightly modified to optimize the network capacity and minimize equipment failure. If a MHP is over 3000ft, some fiber runs may be required to ensure each section of the park gets maximum bandwidth.


Since technology permits MHPs to have upto 20 GIG capacity, video can be run fairly easily, enabling great subscriber experience with NetFlix and other streaming sources. A MHP must be within a reasonable telecommunications network to secure best available bandwidth pricing. Widespread availability of IPTV at reasonable prices now makes live video affordable. Bulk video prices are even lower, providing satellite combined with IP has everything running on one network.

Quite a bit of technology was not available 6 months ago. The culmination of new technologies over coax and IPTV has propelled Mobile Home Parks into the realm of best-in-class services. The opportunity is here and now, and Broadband Enterprise is ready to serve!


AT&T Platinum Award Winner – Largest Sales 2015 DIA Services

AT&T Platinum Award Winner – Largest Sales 2014

ACC Business 2 Awards – One for Technology Leadership – 2014

ACC Business (Division of AT&T) Award for Sales 2013

ACC Business (Division of AT&T) Award for Sales 2012

The Company is at its highest level of wholesale with most Carriers and continues to pass along savings to customers.

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